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New Albums Coming / Premier in Poland

My family’s group has been in need of new recordings for quite awhile, and I’m happy to say that a Christmas album should be out by the end of this year. “What Can I Give Him?” will contain hymns like “Silent Night” and “Child in the Manger,” as well as more upbeat songs like “Rejoice with Exceeding Great Joy” and a humorous rendition of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” As of today, I need to meet with Dad to hear his critique before entering the mastering phase… and record an instrumental part by my mom that I completely forgot about. Sorry, Mom!

My next planned musical foray will be “Ganneldor of the Greenwood,” a story album inspired by the world of the Lord of the Rings. (No, I had no intention of making an album… it just sort of happened in my spare time. 😂) If all goes well it should be released in 2023.

However… All eleven songs will be premiered live at the 9th International Conference on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Invented Languages, to be held in Kraków, Poland August 6th. Although in-person registration is closed, registration for the Onatsie [online day through Zoom] is available until August 3rd by emailing Beregond through School-age children and students attend free, while adults can register as “non-attending” for 135 Polish zloty, or approximately 29.09 US dollars.

Although I will be joining from my home in the US, I am sure it will be a lovely time and provide a window into the amount of work that is still being poured into the languages Tolkien left behind.

Preparing for the Onatsie on August 6th

Book Trailers are Here! 

It is time to update the website again, and so this front page announcement is being moved to the blog post archives. On one exciting note, I have learned how to make the most recent blog post live on the home page automatically. Sooo, new content should be arriving soon!

It was such a joy to create a book trailer for Renee Jensen, and to read her latest story. If you are looking for Christmas presents (or even if you aren’t!) I highly recommend you check out her book at Barnes and Noble or Amazon. If the Amazon price is not $19.99 for hardcover or $9.99 for paperback, check other sellers beneath “add to cart.”

And if you are writing a book and like what you see, contact me and we’ll chat! So far my favorite technique is adding animation to the book’s illustrations.

Story Time: Archived

It’s time for some much-needed spring cleaning (or rather, fall cleaning) about the website. While the story time announcement must come down, you can still find the links through this blog post. 🙂

I am so grateful to Karen Mains for the permission to read her and her husband’s classic work, “Tales of the Kingdom” due to the Covid-19 pandemic and all the chaos it has brought. In these uncertain times, their message of hope is more needed than ever before. You can still find the series through the trailers posted at Talesong’s YouTube channel, but I highly recommend you pick up a copy for your own library at If you’re like me, you’ll revisit Hero, Little Child, and their King for years to come!

What books or series do you love to read over and over again? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!