Where the adventure begins one step ahead…

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Life Updates and Releases

(And encouragement, too!)

All Posts by Date
  • An Elvish Lullaby

    Sometimes we make goals and they fall by the wayside… sometimes we get oh so close and have to remind ourselves that we have made progress… and sometimes we succeed! Here’s to seven months of lyric videos! 🤩 I’ve enjoyed the process of learning to bring what is in my mind to life. This is…

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  • And Just Like That – It’s November!

    Did you ever wake up one day and realize that a deadline had snuck up when you weren’t looking? That’s just where I found myself a few days ago. I had turned over a new leaf creatively: Rather than cramming the last week of the month, I storyboarded the video early, and prepared a few…

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  • Resting at the Finish Line

    What is your favorite part about a job? The excitement of planning? Writing down all your ideas? Getting in a flow state of focused work? Or is there a special place in your heart for taking a moment to relax, perhaps with tea or a favorite book or movie, knowing that your project is done!…

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  • Time to Be Buried in Music! (Again)

    This has been an exceptionally musical year! From singing overseas for the first time, to my first time back at string festivals since 2020, to finishing writing and recording my upcoming album (available June 30th!!), it seems there is always something to work on. But that’s the joy of things, isn’t it? To be surrounded…

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  • Enjoy New Music June 30th!

    (And one new song to hear today!) I may be late posting here, but the projects mentioned in the last post have continued more or less on schedule! What Can I Give Him was indeed released on October 19th, and we’ve had a great response at our concerts! So now I’m beginning to brainstorm for…

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