This has been an exceptionally musical year! From singing overseas for the first time, to my first time back at string festivals since 2020, to finishing writing and recording my upcoming album (available June 30th!!), it seems there is always something to work on. But that’s the joy of things, isn’t it? To be surrounded by something you love?

Now, it’s not all fun and creativity. I’ll admit last night I was less than happy about spending almost two hours trying to change a font color on the website. Perhaps you remember the nearly unreadable text in the old checkout page? Well, my test purchaser (Mom) decided it really needed to be fixed… and I agreed. 😬 After some Youtube research, plug-in searches, and throwing CSS code around, the input text is now a nice black! And honestly, it was satisfying to learn how to fix the text class color.

Have you learned any surprising skills in relation to your hobby or passion? There is definitely something to be said for hiring a professional so you can spend more time doing what you love. But putting in the time to learn new things has its perks – I’ve found several times that learning completely unrelated skills helped me grow in my main craft!

And now for the run-down:

  • First priority – prepare my violin auditions for string camp
  • Make sushi for lunch (I highly recommend learning to roll your own with a bamboo mat! It it so much less expensive, and a fun activity, especially after too much computer work!)

Hmm… honestly if I got those two things done today I’d be alright! As for future projects? Most of that is still in the planning stages, but I do hope to finish remastering and publishing the soundtrack for Yesterday, Today, and Forever this summer!

I hope your summer has been full of fun and fulfillment. 😊


You can download Ganneldor of the Greenwood in two days!!!

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