(And one new song to hear today!)

I may be late posting here, but the projects mentioned in the last post have continued more or less on schedule! What Can I Give Him was indeed released on October 19th, and we’ve had a great response at our concerts! So now I’m beginning to brainstorm for our next family album. Will it feature well-loved or obscure hymns? New songs? Oft-requested favorites? I’m uncertain yet, but looking forward to seeing how the project will unfold.

In the meantime, a surprise release is now available many places you stream music! I hope you enjoy The Bard’s Song as much as I enjoyed recording it! 🙂

But what about the fantasy album, Ganneldor of the Greenwood? The songs were all received well at the Omentielva, and I enjoyed hearing many talks on Tolkien’s languages and the ongoing research and study of them. Since then, all the songs have been recorded and the album cover completed! Be on the lookout for a single from Ganneldor of the Greenwood to drop on Youtube in the coming weeks (if all goes well on the tech side of things*), and for the album itself to be in the shop beginning June 30th!

*If all does not go well, I’ll reveal the album cover instead!

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